A Little Guide for Hard Times


This post is for anyone fighting through turbulent times, moving on, letting go, starting over or finding peace. It is a ideas for feeling more positive and a guide to finding your lighthouse in the storm.

First, a few cautions

Don’t make permanent decisions in times of temporary feelings, e.g. no tattoos. New hair, relationships, travelling, etc. is ok 🙂

Don’t do anything that will hurt yourself or others, that includes harsh words.

Accept at least 1/3 of opportunities for socialising but don’t force yourself or feel guilty when you’re not in the mood

The Ideas

1 – “brain storming” – open up a word document on your computer and just start typing about all the things on your mind. It’s a rant to yourself and when you’ve got it all out, maybe you will come up with some solutions for yourself. The point is to relax and let it all out so you can stop overthinking. You delete the file afterwards and you can use this technique whenever you feel overwhelmed

2 – “dreamboarding” – write an honest list of the things you want in the future. Your ambitions and how you picture your life. Like a ten year plan but you are not limiting yourself to when these things have to happen, but trusting they will some day

3 – “change of scenery” – don’t stay too long in the same place. This speaks for the small things like trying something new at a new restaurant to just getting on a train (even on your own) and having a day trip

4 – “the onwards and upwards playlist” – make a playlist of all the songs that genuinely make you feel good and try to avoid songs that don’t make you feel good. If you perfect your happy music playlist you can listen to this first thing in the morning, last thing at night and whenever you’re starting to feel down

5 – “removing all toxic triggers” – through your day, your mood will be affected by what you are looking at. If you watch tv/follow people on social media or do any reading, etc, ask yourself whether what you have been influenced by has made you happier or sadder? Try to consciously only follow and expose yourself things that make you better. Remove negative influences and don’t let your head be filled with pointless chatter.

6 – “loving yourself” – This one is kind of cocky but it’s about when your self esteem is at a low. Write the things you actually love about yourself remembering that your potential counts as well. Remember the great things people have told you about yourself and let yourself be proud of who you are.

7 – “Oprah” – this one speaks for itself….but it isn’t just about Oprah. It’s about finding some kind of guru (at least one!). Youtube is full of inspirational videos. If you are looking for a strong motivational speakers, Oprah, T.D. Jakes and Iyanla Vanzant are my favourites.

8 – “powerful morning” – mornings that start right make you feel good or they can make you feel lazy and slow. Create a morning plan for yourself. What time do you want to get up and what do you want to achieve? Try to start with positive thoughts so you may use your music and motivational videos to achieve this.

9 – “self improvement” – you are the most important accomplishment you’ll ever have so decide what kind of a person you want to be and how can you get there. If there are some areas you want to develop your knowledge, get some books and do online courses. If you have fitness targets, want to learn a language, have a certain career or home. set your goals. Our hard times are the most potent times of transforming into an even more awesome version of ourselves

 10 – bucket list” – This point is about living spontaneously and in the moment. Life can go by a little too fast if you don’t keep things unique and fun so think or look up new things you want to try. It can be a small as learning to knit or as big as an extreme sport. Make a bucket list if you want or just generally challenge yourself to do something new

11 –  “mantras” – Your mood is just thoughts, your thoughts are just an interpretation. Try not to see things worse than they really are. Fill your head and your heart with words that remind you everything is okay and keep some kind of reminder in your phone so you can use some positive words as a touchstone.

12 – “faith” – Faith that God’s plan for you is not over yet. Faith that the story doesn’t end here. Faith in who you are being powerful enough to attract the right people and opportunities. Whatever it is, just keeping moving forward even when you can’t see where you’ll end up

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