4 Ideas for a Life Reset

It's late January as I write this. Perhaps you're still feeling the financial effects of the festive season, the physical effects of less exercise and more chocolate, the emotional effects of the days remaining long and dark. Perhaps you have also lost a little of the spark you had at the turn of the new... Continue Reading →

The People That Cross Our Paths

It can almost seem uncanny that with so many people in the world, the number that will matter deeply to you or even cross your path is so distinctly finite. Of course, there are many people we'll never have the chance to meet. Some encounters will change the course of our lives forever. Some will... Continue Reading →

A Little Guide for Hard Times

Hello! This post is for anyone fighting through turbulent times, moving on, letting go, starting over or finding peace. It is a ideas for feeling more positive and a guide to finding your lighthouse in the storm. First, a few cautions Don't make permanent decisions in times of temporary feelings, e.g. no tattoos. New hair,... Continue Reading →

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