4 Ideas for a Life Reset

It's late January as I write this. Perhaps you're still feeling the financial effects of the festive season, the physical effects of less exercise and more chocolate, the emotional effects of the days remaining long and dark. Perhaps you have also lost a little of the spark you had at the turn of the new... Continue Reading →

Did You Smile Today?

The title of this post is the motto of an inspirational blog I follow. Every time I see it I feel compelled to grin for no reason. There's even evidence to suggest that smiling releases a chemical that makes us feel happy. You don't have to be happy to smile. You have to smile to... Continue Reading →

The People That Cross Our Paths

It can almost seem uncanny that with so many people in the world, the number that will matter deeply to you or even cross your path is so distinctly finite. Of course, there are many people we'll never have the chance to meet. Some encounters will change the course of our lives forever. Some will... Continue Reading →

F*** the plan

F*** the plan. Sorry plan. But what are we supposed to do, get our hopes up for the outcome we wanted and if that doesn't work, game over? I don't think so. I know the script in my head was great, but no-one else is following that script and life's not a movie I can... Continue Reading →

Why Overachieve?

When I was younger, still at school and hadn't left my hometown yet, I was committed, borderline obsessed, with making my life really extraordinary. I looked down on the concept of a "mediocre" life like a fate worse than death. I loved watching motivational videos and films about triumph and envisioned myself rising above whatever... Continue Reading →

You’re Not Alone

How beautiful that we get to have our own thoughts and our own feelings, but what a shame that our minds can also separate us. Our problems, worries and fears demand our constant attention and we forget other people have them too because....well, it's difficult to see. It calls to mind this beautiful word; Sonder... Continue Reading →

Happiness is overrated

I'm not saying this to be controversial and certainly not to be pessimistic. I just think the world's gone a bit obsessed over the concept of being happy and what that means. Today's well-intentioned advice about how to be happier may actually be making us feel bad when we don't feel "ecstatic, leaping out of... Continue Reading →

Their Opinion is Not Who You Are

I had an experience today where a someone laughed at my expense because of a language barrier.  This hurt, naturally at first, until I reflected on something that I hope everybody can realise (particularly if you are sensitive, like me); People's opinions of you have nothing to do with you. Of course we are socialised... Continue Reading →

Your Life is on Track

If you're anything like me, you may be paranoid about falling behind. Comparing your life to other people's, envying what other people are doing and thinking how much better things would be if you could change X, Y and Z. But I've slowly realised....everybody has their own path, every path looks different, but every path... Continue Reading →

A Little Guide for Hard Times

Hello! This post is for anyone fighting through turbulent times, moving on, letting go, starting over or finding peace. It is a ideas for feeling more positive and a guide to finding your lighthouse in the storm. First, a few cautions Don't make permanent decisions in times of temporary feelings, e.g. no tattoos. New hair,... Continue Reading →

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